Saturday, August 21, 2010

Slacking Off

Day 233

I'm reminding myself today of the last time I had a few days off from my diet/workout schedule and that it took me months to finally get back into a routine. I also find that the busier my day starts out, the less I tend to eat at the start of it, which in turn means more toward the end.

Feeling sick and dieting does not go well together...

Working out while not eating much doesn't work well either...

I think that I'm finding that if I keep my brain busy with things while on a diet, that I seem to eat less throughout the day and focus more on actual meals.

My weekend is shaping up to be no different than last week/weekend with all the stuff we had going on.

On the plus side of things, I did manage to lose two more pounds during Unity week. I know that had I actually squeezed in a workout each day last week that it could have been more, and had I not decided that Saturday was a good day to splurge (walking taco and half an elephant ear), knowing I would weigh myself the next morning. But either way, I did well enough to still lose. The question is how horrible am I doing this week...

It started out with the end of Rob's vacation, so we weren't home, and we were definitely eating! And yes, we ate a lot of junk. Getting home on Tuesday, the thought was that Wednesday morning would start things over, and well, honestly, it was more like Thursday that got me back to my point counting, and then I still didn't stick to it all that well. Yesterday was better, and so far today, I still have yet to even eat breakfast and now it's just me and the kiddos all day. I may saute up the veggies I have left over from our farmers market trip last week (before they go bad!) for my lunch, and see if the kids will eat any of it. Otherwise, their most fave lately has been pb&j and I'm completely cool with making them something so easy!

Today's goal: Workout more than 15 minutes!

Lately, Hannah's been cutting into my workout time by either getting under my feet, or throwing a tantrum before she crashes. Oh the days I wish I would still make her take a nap... Then again, she won't go to bed at night if she sleeps during the day. Not sure which is the better of the two options anymore...

Oh well, onto another day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Feeling Lighter

Day 221

Last week I weighed 190.5lbs when I decided to get back on the workout wagon and get back to counting points. This morning I weighed in at 186.5, which means I LOST 4LBS!!!

I'm super excited about that!

My goal was a tad out there last week, 15lbs in two weeks. However, I extended it this week to be 11.5lbs in two weeks, which will get me down to 175. (The unfortunate side to the WiiFit is that it gives me the choice of 2 weeks or 1 month, I can't do 3 weeks, so I'm improvising.)

So it's a new week in my "new me" month and I'm still in love with my new hair color and cut (which is a VERY good thing!), and am very excited and worried about how my progress will be this week. You see, things are getting busy. Rob's vacation starts on Wednesday, which is completely cool, but it's Unity starts this week and that is going to be a HUGE test of my will power!

I know I can keep working out this week and be good about that, but my biggest concern will be staying away from the yummy junky foods while at Unity for three nights and then all day on Saturday! I'm seriously thinking that I will have figured out before Saturday how many points one of Si Si's Walking Tacos are. It's the one thing that I always make sure to get while at Unity! (Stranger yet is after Caleb was born, the lady who owns Si Si's Tacos was one of my nurses while in the hospital... She was wonderful!) At least the first three nights we know we can take our own foods with us to eat, as long as it doesn't need to be kept cold. So my goal is to take some fresh veggies at least as well as make another trip to the Farmer's Market to pick some more up in order to keep my mind sane and my tummy full while listenin' to some most awesome music!

Today's Goals:

1) Workout, workout, workout!
2) Plan out meals for Unity that won't kill my points...
3) THINK THIN and work toward another 4-5lbs this week.

As I said before, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody may have been talking about being aware of Darkness around you, but right now that's how I'm seeing the junk in my life...

Here's to week two!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's a Love-Hate Relationship Kind of Thing

Day 219

Well, the past few days have been interesting as far as my dieting goes. My workouts were missed the past couple of days, in the way that I've been doing. I did 60 crunches yesterday afternoon, but that didn't really make me work up a sweat or anything to help me feel like I was doing anything to lose any weight really. But eating junk is my downfall, not missing workouts.

Today was fairly eventful, however, as we got up to go buy diet soda on sale at Meijer (buy 2 six packs, get 3 free!) and then made our way from there to the Farmer's Market where my goal was veggies and I got nothing but fruit! Okay, so I did get some flowers, too, and now I have a bunch of gladiolas on top of my piano, lookin' all lovely! (I'll go back this week and get another bunch or two... They are just so pretty and wonderful!) Then we decided that it was time for our "birthday" meal and went out to Red Lobster. I figured I would have used up the majority of my points for the rest of the day, however, between my soup, crab legs, fish and broccoli, I managed to really only eat about 15 points out of the 24 I had left after my 1 point breakfast. I am very excited about this, because it leaves me with 9 more to play with tonight when making dinner. (Basically that means I will have a serving of dressing on my salad and maybe another yogurt after I've eaten that and some cucumber, making it all of 2 points for dinner instead of zero...) It also means that I might be able to have a cookie or WW frozen desert thing that's in my freezer, if I feel so inclined.

The sad thing is that as much as I LOVED being able to go eat at Red Lobster with my family today, I'm currently regretting it. The richness of the food after a week of not-so-rich foods is making my tummy not a happy one. At least I know now that the days I decide to let loose and splurge in the future will be far and few between! Not to mention that I probably will only do one really rich item and stick to not-so-rich for the rest of the meal.

Goals for the rest of my night with the kids:

1) Workout with the babes before their baths and bedtime, and
2) Use the Wii Fit Plus after their bedtime and before mine!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thoughtful Eating

Day 216

I'm noticing that I definately have to think more about what to actually try and eat, verses what I feel like eating. It's worse when at the store getting groceries and the fact that Oreos are on sale things week, however. I made it a point at the store this week to think of what kinds of things do I like to have as snacks and remind myself that I can still have those things, just not a whole package in one sitting! (I can plow through a bag of Double Stuffed Oreos in about two days, usually. But only because my kids don't care for them! Otherwise it would probably be a few hours... Hehehe...) So I bought some sugar cookies that are basically three points each with the thought that ONE cookie as a snack before bed along with a diet hot chocolate (maybe not during the summer, of course) would give me a good 4 point snack before bed.

Today's goal:

Stay on top of things!

This includes not just my diet and counting points, but my workouts as well as Hannah's potty training, cleaning, paying bills, and planning our stay-cation & mini-vacay that starts next week. That means planning meals that are point friendly and cost efficient while at Unity and visiting the Island and my Dad's...

As Mad-Eye Moody says "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Set-Backs Happen

Day 214

So I let things slide, didn't blog, didn't work out, didn't watch what I was eating. Gained back ten of the fifteen pounds that I'd lost since January. That's sad...

But I'm back on with "smaller" goals to start with. Right now I have to lose 15 pounds in two weeks to reach my first goal of the "new" me. I'm shooting for change this month. I'm not sure how well that's going to work with the heat in the house as well as outside, and I'm sure it will be a true test of my patience and will power to not give up on working out and eating less junk, but I'm determind to make it happen.

So to recap on my goals:

1) Lose 15lbs by 8/16/10
2) Workout at least 30 minutes a day for 6 days (adding 30 to the next day if I miss a day)

Well, here's to a new month and a new me!