Monday, September 14, 2009

Days 13 & 14

I've decided that I'm going to try and weigh-in at least every three days, if I can. Every day is just silly when Hannah will be awake way early one day and make it impossible for me to be able to use the Wii and Balance Board at the same time on those mornings as other mornings. I've also decided that to try and stay somewhat consistant with my weighing in that I will try do it between 7 and 9 on those mornings, too.

So far today:

~ Bagel w/WW Cream Cheese - 7pts
~ Diet Dr. Pepper - 0pts
Total Breakfast: 7pts

Lunch was a repeat of dinner from a few nights ago, but a bit less on the rice, so only ended up being 5 points plus another 2 for the apple slices and fruit dip that I had to go with it all. I've been drinking water, as much as I can this afternoon, but not as much as I'd like to have had drank up to this point. Dinner was a salad and a repeat of a meal from a few days ago as well. All in all 7 points. I used three of my weekly allowance (already) to have a WW ice cream bar, and might use a point or two more for some more apples or a few pretzles tonight. We'll see how I feel before Hannah goes to bed tonight...

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