Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dancin', Yeah!

Day 7

So I went to my first ever ZUMBA class last night and it was amazingly awesome! Anyone who fears a fitness class that's wrapped around dance, because they feel that they're completely uncoordinated need not worry about taking this kind of class. There were not very many coordinated people in there and having a dance background made me have to try and look past everyone else and pay attention to the instructor and the "routines" we were doing so I wouldn't laugh at anyone else but myself.

ZUMBA is just what I needed to feel good about my fitness life and myself. The instructor sought me out during our first break and told me that she saw a natural dance ability (I'm sure that having taken dance at age 3 and sticking with it until high schoool and then going back to it in college some helps with that! lol) and suggested that I look into becoming a trainer myself! Man, that would ROCK! Talk about motivation! I've now decided that if I can get myself back to being somewhat "trim and slim" that I'll take the trainers course to be able to teach and lead classes myself.

It was sooooo much fun and I'm so glad that I went, even if it was by myself. It boosted my caloric burn meter (even though I went over on my food calorie meter yesterday) and it was just pretty darn fun! I'm already looking forward to next week and am going to try my darnedest to get more people to come with me. If I do become a trainer, I think I may look into trying to lead a class at the church. It could be a fun new way to do ministry, too...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got yourself a new motivational tool! Way to go!
