Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too Tired to Eat Right?

Day 21

Lately I've been too tired to remember to do the things I need to do. Pathetic excuse, I know, but it's about all I can really say about my lack of motivation. I'm having to remind myself that the more I keep myself moving, the less tired I feel, and the more I start to reboot my metabolism. The problem is actually remembering to remind myself to keep on the move, instead of sitting down to watch what the kids are watching, or read my book. Like I said, pathetic. I know...

Yesterday I didn't even bother to count out any calories or put stuff in my burn meter. Today, I didn't even weigh myself. However, I did just sit down and enter in what I have had to eat so far this morning. Yesterday I found myself snacking on a lot of things. Okay, so one thing in particular, but snacking either way. I made some haystacks Tuesday night, but not your normal haystacks. I made the ones my mother-in-law makes that are Weight Watchers friendly. They are only 1 point each and are soooo yummy! The downfall is that they are just that: SO YUMMY! It's hard to resist them... Made with one sleeve of Original Fiber One cereal and a 18.8oz bag of Cookies 'n' Creme Hershey's Kisses, you can get 36 haystacks turning out to be just under 92 calories a piece. If you make them with one less serving of the Kisses (setting aside 11 of the Kisses) then they're only 86 calories. Just remember how yummy I said that they are and then remember how much fiber is in them! Eating more than just a few in a day could cause you to be in the bathroom more than once the next day! Hehe...

I've also decided that when I am as tired as I've been lately, I have a hard time with my willpower and keeping myself from eathing the sweet and more fatty things in the house. The unfortunate thing is that, of course, I would rather eat those because it's easier than cutting and cleaning celery and takes so much less time to grab the candy or chips instead of spreading peanut butter on the cut and cleaned celery. I need to work on my willpower. I think it's time to pull out the dresses I'd like to be able to wear again and hang them up around the house. It's either that or order the dress that I loved in last summer's Avon books that they are discontinuing. I love the idea of having clothes to show off what I'm selling, but I've never ordered them because seeing as that everything I currently wear makes me feel like I look fat, I can't justify buying a new dress that would just end up making me look like I'm a fat chick tryin' to not look so fat. As much as I was taught growing up and as much as I teach the youth at my church that we should be happy with the bodies God gave us, I have to remind myself not to fall into that "trap" with my heaviness right now.

Things to remember to do today:
*EAT! Meals, and healthy snacks only! No junk!
*MOVE! Even if it means I'm shlepping boxes around my basement, it's moving and not sitting!
*DRINK WATER! That means fill the Nalgene bottle and add a Crystal Light flavor if need be!


  1. I have found that if I take an hour or two each week to prepare healthy snacks it makes things much easier. Take the time when you get home from the market (or grocery store, or wherever you buy your produce) to prepare it (wash it, cut it up, split it into portions, etc) and THEN put it away. It's much easier to eat a healthy snack if it's already ready to eat :-)

  2. Good point, Diann. I find that if the veggies aren't cut up, I'll reach for something "easier." I find myself in that trap right now. I just ordered Tupperware containers that you can store veggies and fruits in that will keep them fresh and crisp for 6 weeks, much longer than keeping them in the "crisper" in the fridge in their bags. That will help offset the expense of the vegetables since I will be able to keep them longer.

    Amanda - I posted an article on my blog that discussed boosting our metabolism. Having lean muscle mass is what keeps your metabolism high, not just moving. Moving around WILL burn calories, sure, but will not boost your metabolism. Since you have the Wii Fit, try doing the strength and yoga exercises. They build your muscles...and when your muscles are getting stronger and leaner, then you will burn calories faster - EVEN when you are sitting at the computer typing. The last two articles I posted talked about this - just FYI. ;-)
