Well, Tuesday went well, and now Wednesday is practically over with for me here...
All I wanted to do two days ago was eat. It's hard to NOT eat when we're sitting in the house most of the day, and I'm finding that if I'm keeping busy with something that's not around food, then I tend to not feel as hungry or the need to snack for no reason. Yesterday was easier to not snack so much, but I also found that I kept running to the bathroom to pee every 20-30 minutes! Hehe...
My workout for Tuesday was nice and hard core! The 20 Minute Express video for Zumba is insane! I think I got more out of that than I did when I was in the hour long class last winter! That's not a bad thing, but it makes me wonder how much more intense things are going to get when I start the 10-Day Accelerated Weight Loss workout plan on Sunday! EEK! I'm sure I'll be fine and having a blast, but it's kinda scary to jump into so much working out when I've not been working out that hard core for a quite a while.
Speaking of working out, today was a free day from Zumba, according to the schedule I'm following from their information. It's weird to have just spent three days working out though and to have a day not working out. I am trying to decide if I am going to move around the living room and play Dance Central with the Kinect or if I'm going to maybe do some crunches with our ab rocker. Maybe I could do both! Either way it's kind of strange to have a day that tells me to relax my muscles by getting a massage or soaking in a hotub, when I don't have access to either. Hehe! Maybe that's what I need though, a nice long hot bath.
Goal for tonight: RELAX!!!
Yesterday's points: 19/26
Yesterday's calories: 1050
Yesterday's workout: Zumba 20 Minute Express
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