Yesterday, I failed to blog. Oops! Guess my day was just so randomly thrown together and getting up and getting out of the house right away didn't help me to remember to sit down and blog! Oh well, onto today...
Monday was a welcome surprise. I'm not a fan of surprises. I like to know what's going on, especially when it involves the whole family being out of the house at one time, over the lunch hour, and when we're not spending money on eating out this month. However, despite my waking up with a horrible head cold making me not want to leave the house at all, I'm glad that Rob dragged me out. He surprised me with a wonderful Mother's Day gift of a full body massage at Salon 297! YAY! It was wonderfully relaxing and I felt great the rest of the day. Okay so for the most part. When I got home and worked out, I actually ended up in pain. I let the masseuse really ream on my upper back and shoulders and my workout yesterday used the toning sticks for Zumba. I don't think that I have ever experienced pain in this way before. Hehehe...
The only downside to the sore muscles is that I still have to workout today before I have a free day with Zumba. I'm hoping that my 50 minute Cardio Party video won't make me too terribly sore added to the rest of my soreness for the day. I'm actually hoping more that I can make it through more than 10 minutes of it while I'm feeling the effects of my cold. I'm kinda thinking that working out will help me get over this cold faster, but only if I actually have the energy to keep up with my workout!
Well, here's to Tuesday and making the rest of the day count!
Yesterday's points: 26/26
Yesterday's calories: 1,255
Yesterday's workout: Zumba Sculpt & Tone and Zumba Flat Abs
Sunday's points: 23/26
Sunday's calories: 1,175
Sunday's workout: Zumba Cardio Party
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