Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trying Not to Snack

So today has been hard to not sit around and snack. I must say that I haven't had a hard time not snacking so far this week, but go figure that the last day of week one and I'm scanning the kitchen for something to eat to satisfy the want to be snacking. Well, out comes the tea! That helps me feel much more full than plain ol' water. And I do have some of those protein drink packets you add to your water. Those have helped in the past and so I'll go back to relying on those when I'm really hurting for a snack and don't want to ruin my diet for the day.

Okay so I think a big reason for no motivation to stick to my diet today is that I'm dealing with a sick child and am working on some serious lack of sleep! Caleb has pneumonia, and the worst thing about it is that I can't seem to get him to take a fever reducer at all. Ugh! The downer is that it's the lack of sleep that makes me want to nibble on things in the kitchen. Not usually a huge deal, I just don't nibble, but when an awake sick lil' man is happier with some crackers, it's hard to not join in the snacking along at 3am.

So today has been interesting and long yet oddly short feeling and it still feels like it's later than it is. Must be because it's getting warmer outside and the sun is staying out later. Makes me wanna get out and move outside more!

Week one is almost over...

Tomorrow brings week two of "Project Manda!"

Yesterday's points: 16/26
Yesterday's calories:
Yesterday's workout: Zumba 20 Minute Express

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